Chakras:  What You Need to Know About Them

Chakras: What You Need to Know About Them

Chakras: What you need to Know About Them 

By Sophia Harmes, Ph.D.  

Meet the Chakras 

Chakra, a Sanskrit word meaning wheels, are energy centers within the body that are connected with specific bodily organs. Having balanced chakras is very important to maintaining good health and wellness. If your chakras are imbalanced that means that they are either under active or overactive. Therefore it is important to have a balance among the chakras meaning that there is not too much or too little of energy flow within the chakra. Chakras transmit and receive energy. This energy is than translated into emotional, physical and psychic energy within the body. Having too much energy or too little energy within a chakra can affect the way that you feel, the way you think and the way you act.  

The Chakras and Their Descriptions  

There are 7 major chakra energy centers in the body. Each energy center contains energy flowing through it that can affect our emotions, illness, aches and pains, etc. When chakras are out of balance you generally will be sick and/or emotionally stressed.  

The first chakra is the Root chakra and is associated with the color red. The root chakra represents a foundation or stability. You should feel rooted or grounded. The location of the root chakra is at the base of the spine or the tailbone area. The root chakra is linked with emotional issues such as survival, this would include things such as food, security, financial independence, family support, etc.  The root chakra is out of balance if feeling stuck and sluggish, experiencing stress because of feeling a need to rely on external circumstances, experiencing ongoing financial problems or being trapped in a less-than-ideal career.  One may have feelings of abandonment, or a need to survive and are just getting by or going without, and just don’t like their body therefore leading to feelings of unworthiness.  They feel they are not good enough the way that they are.  Physical symptoms of an imbalanced root chakra include problems associated with the feet, legs, tailbone, immune system, and male reproduction. An imbalanced root chakra can also lead to health issues including degenerative arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, eating disorders, and constipation. The root chakra is open when there is a strong connection with family and friends and feelings of being wanted and loved. There are feelings of belonging and contentment with the body.  There is confidence in managing money well, always having enough for what is needed. One feels a sense of connection and safety, being supported and grounded.  Self-preservation is the life lesson associated with the Root chakra.  

The second chakra is the Sacral chakra being represented by the color orange. The sacral chakra is located 2 inches below the navel. It is related to creativity, female reproduction, sexuality, and new relationships or situations affecting one’s life.  An imbalance in the sacral chakra leads to difficulties with becoming emotionally and sexually intimate, possession of beliefs that sex is bad and it can hurt you or feeling you have to be sexy in order for someone to love you.  Someone with an imbalance in this chakra struggles with low self-image, desperately trying to find the right one.  Or there may be a lack in the ability to feel worthy of love.  Physical signs of an imbalance in the second chakra affect female reproduction and sexual issues, kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvic and low back pain, urinary problems, stomach pains and anxiety.  A balanced sacral chakra brings feelings of sexuality and love leading to healthy, pleasant  sexual experiences.  One becomes outgoing and realizes they possess creative energies.  There is the ability to take risks and express through creativity. The lesson for the Sacral chakra is to honor others.  

The third chakra is the Solar Plexus and it is represented by the color yellow. This chakra exudes confidence in thoughts and feelings. It is the center for the ability to be in control of our lives. The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper abdomen or stomach area. This chakra addresses self-confidence, self-worth, self-esteem, and positive mental attitude and thoughts.  An imbalance in the solar plexus leads to feelings of victimization and often feelings of powerlessness.   Personal power is given away to others in order to keep peace in relationships.  This makes it difficult to act on dreams and goals due to feelings of powerlessness and low self-esteem.   Physical imbalances of the solar plexus chakra can lead to liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, digestive issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, pancreas and gallbladder issues, stomach ulcers and colon diseases. The solar plexus chakra is open when there is a strong sense of power and the ability to use it in healthy constructive ways such as using it to influence and promote good in the world.  When in balance, the solar plexus chakra creates a feeling of self-respect and self-compassion and gives the ability to be assertive and confident.  Is it surprising that the life lesson for the Solar Plexus chakra is self-acceptance?  

The Heart chakra is the fourth chakra and this is located in the center of the chest just above the heart.  The color green is associated with the heart chakra.  This chakra represents the ability to love one another and also to accept love.  It influences the ability to enjoy what we love. So as one may expect, the heart chakra deals with emotional issues such as love, compassion, inner peace and joy. A blocked heart chakra leads to feelings of having to please others in order to be loved.  There resonates a fear of commitment and guarding from being hurt by others especially in relationships.  There is an inability to give and receive love and to be compassionate leading to feelings of anger and distrust or holding grudges or becoming a needy person in relationships. Physical effects associated with the heart chakra include heart disease, lung disease, asthma, upper back and shoulder problems, issues with the breasts and the lymphatic system, and arm and wrist pain. A balanced heart chakra creates comfort in relationships in order to receive and give love easily and freely.   There is the capacity to express heartfelt gratitude for others and for how wonderful life is.  There is an appreciation and compassion for oneself and for others. A balanced heart chakra creates feelings of gratitude, love and compassion, Joy, forgiveness, and trust.  I love is the life lesson for the Heart chakra of course.   

The fifth chakra is referred to as the Throat chakra which is represented by the color blue. This chakra influences the ability to clearly communicate ourselves to others and to speak the truth. The throat chakra is located at the throat therefore dealing with the ability to communicate and express ourselves.  The throat chakra is also related to creativity.  When there is an imbalance in the throat chakra there is an inability to speak up freely or to say what you want or what you feel.  One just goes along with others so that they don't upset anyone. There are feelings of frustration because of the belief that people are not listening to what you have to say. Physical problems associated with an imbalanced throat chakra include issues with the thyroid, laryngitis, sore throats, ear infections, neck and shoulder pain, ulcers, facial problems, and TMJ.  When the throat chakra is balanced there is the ability to express yourself freely and to speak your truth. A balanced throat chakra leads to the free flow of words and ideas therefore providing the ability to express and communicate well. The lesson of the Throat chakra is to be able to speak out and let your voice be heard.  

The sixth chakra is the Third Eye chakra represented by the color indigo. The third eye chakra is located between your eyes on your forehead.  This chakra deals with the ability to make decisions and to think clearly, it also deals with intuition, wisdom, and Imagination. The chakra influences the ability for us to see the bigger picture so we have inner knowing, inner vision and inner sight.  Someone who has an imbalanced third eye chakra questions why they are here. They struggle with understanding their meaning in life having feelings of disconnection from their Intuition or feel they have none.  Someone with a blocked third eye chakra may have trouble making decisions or they may feel that they are lost with regard to their spirituality or their life path, their direction in life.  Thus a person may feel very frustrated that there is something wrong with them and they may feel like other people have an intuitive sense that they do not possess.  Third eye physical issues include headaches, sinus issues, eye strain, blurred vision, hearing loss, unbalanced hormone function, and seizures.  When the third eye chakra is balanced one acts with confidence and trusts their intuition as a guide.  There is also a strong sense of inner truth. They will listen to and follow their inner truth and allow it to guide them on their life journey.  A balanced third eye chakra means that there is focus and clarity to distinguish between truth and delusion through wisdom and insight.  The lesson associated with the Third Eye chakra is the ability to be able to see the big picture.   

The Crown Chakra is the 7th chakra.  The color representing the crown chakra is violet and sometimes white.   Located at the top of your head at the crown, this chakra represents the ability to connect fully with our spiritual selves.  An imbalance in the crown chakra leads to feelings of loneliness, meaninglessness and insignificance. There may be a strong attachment to material possessions and achievements which are then used to define oneself (based on these items). There is usually a feeling of disconnect from the spiritual side of life and feelings of no connection or guidance from a higher power. An imbalance in this chakra creates feelings of unworthiness of spiritual help, opening the door for anger toward a higher power that did not provide needed assistance.  Because this chakra enhances our connection to our own spirituality and divine wisdom, it is associated with inner and outer beauty and pure bliss. When the crown chakra is not balanced it can lead to depression.  It can affect the ability to learn and increase sensitivity to sound and light or other environmental surroundings. A balanced chakra leads to feelings of immense blessings and feelings of connection to a higher power.  There is a sense of being cared for and watched over and guided through life’s Journey.  There are feelings of gratefulness for the universal love and appreciation towards oneself and for others.  A balanced Crown chakra enables the ability to live in the present moment, trusting that inner guidance.  So the lesson for the Crown chakra is to live mindfully.  

Chakra Balancing  

When balancing chakras it is important that all 7 chakras are balanced.  Because of our busy lifestyles it is very difficult for many of us to have chakras that are in balance.  When all 7 chakras are balanced, energy flows smoothly throughout our bodies enabling our bodies to function in an optimal way.  If one of the chakra energy centers is not functioning properly it will impact how other chakra energy centers function as well.  Sometimes one or more of our chakra energy centers works too much or too hard creating an imbalance within it.  A blockage or weakness in one or more of your chakras enables illness to occur in some part of the body.  

So how do you know if your chakras are balanced?  Basically you feel good. Your body and mind feel balanced.   You feel relaxed, overall healthy and wonderful!  You may have the feeling that everything is going well for you in your life. If you are experiencing depression or the feelings that something is not right or no one wants to be around you or you just feel awful then most likely your chakras are out of balance.   

A chakra balancing practitioner will be able to detect the chakras that have energy deficiencies. They have the ability to feel the energy of each chakra as they move their hands over your body or your energy field. There is no direct touching involved with this procedure. The practitioner should identify where there is excessive or deficient energy flow with regard to each chakra. The practitioner will then balance each chakra through increasing the chakra power or slowing the energy down.  This process requires removing any blockages to be able to balance each chakra.   

There are several methods that can be used to balance chakras.  One method uses a pendulum. A pendulum is a weight from a string that is held over the chakra.  The pendulum will move one way to indicate that the chakra is out of balance and the opposite way to indicate that the chakra is in balance. Another method uses gemstones that are the same color as the associated chakra.  Gemstones of the same chakra color as the chakra being balanced are placed on the chakra for 10 to 15 minutes enabling the energy from the appropriately colored gemstone to transfer its energy, thus helping to balance the chakra.  Another method utilizing gemstones is called tapping. This method requires a tapping of the appropriate colored gemstone on the chakra for period of five minutes to transfer the energy from the gemstone into the chakra to help balance the chakra. You can also balance chakras through meditation.  


Because an imbalance in one chakra can affect the balance of other chakras it is important to find out where the main blockage occurs.   This way the chakra is cleared and balanced enabling the body to function properly providing health and balance to your life.  


Lui, Helen Chin.  “How do you Know if your Chakras are Balanced?” Patel, Reshma.  “Warning Signs your Chakras are out of Balance.” Understanding The 7 Chakras And Recognizing Blocks.”  

 Originally Published:  Therapeutic Thymes Magazine.  Spring 2018.  Issue 6. 

Sophia Harmes, Ph.D. is the owner of Terram Olei, LLC specializing in Alternative Health and Wellness products, Reiki, Chakra Balancing and Energy Healing.  Visit us at the Green Dragon Market and Auction, Building 1.  Like us on Facebook! 

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