60-Minute Crystal Healing Mountville PA
60-Minute Crystal Healing Mountville PA
Crystal healing is a non-invasive holistic approach to healing based on vibrational energy. The technique incorporates placing crystals on and/or around the person’s physical body. Crystals could also be placed in grids or patterns within the space around the client. Crystals interact with one’s energy field. They can diffuse, absorb, direct, focus, shift and detoxify the energy enabling it to interact with electromagnetic forces and vibrations. Using crystal energy can help the body to restore its natural energy vibrations and facilitate natural healing.
While relaxing comfortably on a massage table, the practitioner places the crystals in specific positions or grids around the client. Employing gemstones and crystals facilitates the flow of energy throughout the body. This technique may incorporate placing crystals and gemstones on and/or around the person’s physical body as well. The Client’s specific needs determine the crystals to be used. Gemstones and crystals can diffuse, absorb, direct, focus, shift and detoxify the energy as it interacts with the client’s energy field.