Australian Jasper with a fiery fusion of red and yellow energies carries an invigorating frequency of strength and vitality and increases Life Force within the physical body [Eason, 317][Simmons, 217]. Connect with elemental Earth powers for increasing self-confidence, and self-worth, and to realize one’s full potential. Press a Mookaite palm stone against the upper stomach to activate the Solar Plexus Chakra, the seat of will and personal power. [Eason, 317][Lembo, 193][Simmons, 217] Ideal for overcoming procrastination revealing the true reason for avoiding certain tasks and bringing the motivation needed to resolve the issue. Keeps one focused and well-grounded, soothes the mind, and quiets distracting thoughts. Great for focusing on a specific goal or for a motivational boost in the workplace [Lembo, 192-193][Eason, 317]